Buddies Bump Box Pre-Rolled Cone Filling Machine for Medium 98 Special

The Buddies Bump Box Cone Filling Machine allows you to roll 34 medium 98 special (98mm) cones at once. It’s great for saving time, and is ideal for businesses and individuals needing to roll a larger amount of cones.


  • Comes with 2 pokers
  • Light weight - Made of foam
  • Works with 98mm Cones (98 Special)
  • Rolls 34 Cones at a time
  • Saves so much time!


  1. Insert your cones into each slot
  2. Grind up your herbs
  3. Gradually spread grounds all over the openings
  4. Tap the sides of the Bump Box and use one of the pokers to gently tamper down the grounds
  5. Put the Bump Box ontop of it's lid and watch the cones raise a couple centimeters out of the slots so you can easily pull out each cone and twist off the end
