Phoenix Star 10 Inch Recycler Dab Rig with Matrix Perc

Made of premium borosilicate glass, is a beautifully designed dab rig perfect with a 14.4mm joint size and Mothership Fab Klein design. This glass oil rig features recycler function to filter the smoke constantly. The recycler oil rig is equipped with a matrix perc that delivers a smooth and flavorful hit with excellent filtration. The recycler dab rig comes with a highly efficient filtration system that filters smoke multiple times, ensuring a smooth and pleasing hit. The clear borosilicate glass construction is superb, allowing you to watch as your smoke travels through the rig, making it a great choice for any collectors.


  • Height: 10 inches
  • Joint size: 14.4 mm
  • Perc: matrix perc
  • Feature: Mothership Fab Klein
  • Recycler
  • Colors: Pink, Blue, Purple, Green
